Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Introduction to Polymer Physics by M. Doi and H. See


Introduction to Polymer Physics, by M. Doi and H. See gives a clear and concise introduction to the modern theory of polymer physics. It describes basic concepts and methods and explains the statistical properties of the assembly of chain-like molecules; topics include scaling theory, concentration fluctuation, gels, and reptation.

Polymers are very large molecules consisting of many atoms covalently bonded like a chain. Their structure gives unique physical properties to polymer solutions. This is an ideal volume for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in polymer physics. It describes basic concepts and methods to discuss the statistical properties of the assembly of chain-like molecules. This involves scaling theory, concentration fluctuation, gels and reptation.

The finest aspect of the book is its thickness; in just over 100 pages, author essentially summarizes everything in Polymer Dynamics. In some sense the book is meant as a bridge between the graduate level courses. This book is aimed for graduate students in physics, physical chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science and also senior undergraduates in these subjects.

Table of Contents

1. Properties of an isolated polymer molecule
2. Concentrated solutions and melts
3. Polymer gels
4. Molecule motion of polymers in dilute solutions
5. Molecule motion in entangled polymer systems

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