Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Inorganic Chemistry 5th Edition by Miessler and Tarr


Inorganic Chemistry 5th Edition by Gary L. Miessler, Paul J. Fischer and Tarr delivers the essentials topics at right level for today’s classroom, neither too high (for novice readers) nor too low (for advanced readers). Strong coverage of atomic theory and an emphasis on physical chemistry provide a firm understanding of the theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry, while a reorganized presentation of molecular orbital and group theory highlights key principles more clearly.

With its updates to quickly changing content areas, a strengthened visual presentation and the addition of new co-author Paul Fischer, the new edition of this highly readable text is more educational and valuable than ever. Excellent, balanced coverage of core principles and theory enables students to get through this material in a one-semester course while special topic coverage, such as organometallic and solid-state chemistry, allows instructors flexibility in covering topics.

The strong presentation of atomic theory and emphasis on physical chemistry give students a firm understanding of the theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry. Many problems at the end of each chapter, including some from the recent literature, allow instructors to choose the number and type of problems assigned. Worked examples throughout demonstrate step-by-step how problems are solved and Exercises provide ample opportunity to practice the concepts learned.

Expanded sections on VSEPR and the ligand close packing model in Chapter 3 provide a wider variety of examples and group electronegativity has been added. The atomic weights of the elements provided in the periodic table inside the front cover include the most recent IUPAC recommendations. The values of physical constants inside the rear cover have been revised to use the most recent values cited on the NIST web site.

Added coverage of oxidation-reduction reactions helps students understand main group and transition metal chemistry. Web-based problems encourage the use of internet resources to solve problems and Problems using software for molecular orbital calculations allow students to calculate and observe shapes and energies of molecular orbitals.

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