Thursday, July 18, 2013
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 9th Edition, Skoog
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7:53 AM
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 9th Edition, by Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler and Stanley R. Crouch offers extensive coverage of the principles and practices of analytic chemistry and consistently shows students its applied nature. The book's award-winning authors begin each chapter with a story and photo of how analytic chemistry is applied in industry, medicine, and all the sciences.
To further reinforce student learning, a wealth of dynamic photographs by renowned chemistry photographer Charlie Winters appear as chapter-openers and throughout the text. Incorporating Excel spreadsheets as a problem-solving tool, the Ninth Edition is enhanced by a chapter on Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry, updated spreadsheet summaries and problems, an "Excel Shortcut Keystrokes for the PC" insert card, and a supplement by the text authors, EXCEL APPLICATIONS FOR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, which integrates this important aspect of the study of analytical chemistry into the book's already rich pedagogy.
New to this edition is OWL, an online homework and assessment tool that includes the Cengage YouBook, a fully customizable and interactive eBook, which enhances conceptual understanding through hands-on integrated multimedia interactivity.
The chapters dealing with titrimetry are fairly straightforward and, in the opinion of this reviewer, one of the strengths of the text. Specifically, the majority of the problems are well-explained to the student and the problems in the back of the text are helpful, especially with the increasing difficulty of the problems as one proceeds through their completion.
The authors do a good job of making this text both readable and engaging. I would like to think a student could sit down with a piece of paper, a calculator and pencil and work through most of these chapters in 1-2 hours with good comprehension. I enjoy the level of activity this book uses in terms of engaging you with interesting problems or real world examples.
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