Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry: A Laboratory Manual


Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry: A Laboratory Manual by Gregory S. Girolami, Thomas B. Rauchfuss and Robert J. Angelici has been extensively updated to reflect new developments in inorganic chemistry. Twenty-three experiments are divided into five sections: solid state chemistry, main group chemistry, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and bioinorganic chemistry.

The included experiments are safe, have been thoroughly tested to ensure reproducibility, are illustrative of modern issues in inorganic chemistry, and are capable of being performed in one or two laboratory periods of three or four hours. Because facilities vary from school to school, the authors have included a broad range of experiments to help provide a meaningful course in almost any academic setting.

Each clearly written & illustrated experiment begins with an introduction that highlights the theme of the experiment, often including a discussion of a particular characterization method that will be used, followed by the experimental procedure, a set of problems, a listing of suggested Independent Studies, and literature references.

Each experiment is well chosen and collectively they present a sufficiently broad spectrum of synthesis and compound characterization techniques to provide an excellent education for any student who completes them. The writing style is clear and concise and at a level that advanced undergraduate students can clearly comprehend. It is highly recommended as a textbook for a one-semester advanced inorganic synthesis course.

This is an excellent update to a classic inorganic chemistry laboratory text. One of the strengths of this book is that there is something here for everyone. The experiments described in the third edition illustrate a wide variety of topics in inorganic chemistry ranging from classic coordination chemistry to more recent advances in the fields of organometallic, solid state, and bioinorganic chemistry.

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